Web Application Development with Groovy and Grails


Web Application Development with Groovy and Grails

Grails is a high productivity framework for JVM, primarily based on the Groovy language. It has been around since 2006. given that then, innumerable s

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Grails is a high productivity framework for JVM, primarily based on the Groovy language. It has been around since 2006. given that then, innumerable sites have correctly been released using the framework. Web Application development with groovy and grails is one the most efficient processes.

Benefits of Web Application Development with Groovy and Grails:

  • Based totally on tested and confirmed frameworks: Grails itself has got utilized by numerous massive organizations and merchandise along with Sky, LinkedIn, Walmart, ESPN, and many others and Grails is no longer a brand new technology now. The underlying technologies are already tested and tested frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, SiteMesh, etc.) with a massive personal base.

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  • Groovy language: Groovy code is a lot more concise, expressive, and DRY than Java code, which means there are fewer traces of code, which translates to much better developer productiveness and less code to hold. Groovy Programming agency plays an important role in this.
  • Easy to set up and get commenced: It is easy for a Java developer to get started using Grails, and begin experiencing the joy of internet-utility development with Grails.
  • GORM: Grails item relational mapping (GORM) affords a completely smooth-to-use and bendy layer over Hibernate and a few other non-relational statistics resources. It makes it extraordinarily easy to talk to any GORM-supported facts source. GORM helps all relational databases that can get supported with the aid of Hibernate (JDBC); and it also supports other data assets together with Redis, MongoDB, etc.
  • Scaffold Integrated: Scaffold Integrated utilities supplied built-in Grails are extremely good built-in integrated when built-in integrated prototypes to validate the concept, or to build a Built-in integrated interfaces. For lots of new builders integrated Grails, scaffold built-in is the first aspect that integrated the wow impact.
  • Easy Interface: Grails integrated flexible capabilities that make it easy to create RESTful APIs. Built-in integrated RESTful resources can be as easy as one built-one of code. With present-day hardware built-in offer built integrated multiple cores, Grails has an amazing built integrated aid for Asynchronous Program Integrated API as properly.
  • TagLib Author Integrated mechanism: Grails makes it pretty smooth to modularize and reuse view layer code; particularly due to the benefit with which tags can be created. it’s miles as smooth built-in a tag built-in Grails as it’s miles to write a Java or a cool class.

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  • Integrates easily with already written Java code: Grails/Groovy built-integrates without problems with code already written integrated Java. You may even integrate mixed Java and Groovy code built-in the equal document and it’ll paint just quality. On Either hand, it allows a Java developer to start integrated built-in Grails built integrated; built-in; it lets build integrated use of already written Java code.
  • Plug Built-in based totally development technique for modularity and reuse: Grails promotes reuse of code among built-in integrated Grails applications by modularizing built-in your software built-in integrated form of plug integrated. Tak Integrated a plug integrated-centric development approach promotes and forces a clean separation of the situation and easy reuse.

As it is free of XML configuration, the Groovy on Grails will let you develop the software in real-time. Grails supports scaffolding. This helps builders to create applications with CRUD functionalities- Create, examine, update and delete.

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