The 7 Most Effective Ways to Use Your Phone at Work


The 7 Most Effective Ways to Use Your Phone at Work

There are some etiquette standards to observe when it comes to using your smartphone at work. Here are a few of them to remember. These days, we use o

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There are some etiquette standards to observe when it comes to using your smartphone at work. Here are a few of them to remember. These days, we use our phones for almost everything. A smartphone allows you to stay in touch with loved ones while also managing your entire life.

However, being immersed in your phone isn’t always a good thing, especially when you’re at work. When you’re at work, there are a few regulations to follow in order to prevent getting in trouble.
Let’s look at seven of the finest ways to use your smartphone at work.

1. Place your phone away from your face and out of sight.

Using your phone during the day can be a major distraction, resulting in job inefficiencies. Your manager may not fully prohibit you from using your phone at work, but that doesn’t mean you should use it all the time.

Keep your smartphone in your pocket, backpack, or desk drawer to minimize how often you use it. It’s fine to check your phone every now and again, especially if you’re a parent or awaiting a crucial call.

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2. Put your phone on silent mode.

When you’re at work, make sure your phone is set to silent mode. Set your phone to vibrate if you have friends or family members that call you frequently throughout the day and you know your phone will be buzzing constantly.

You can still be aware when you receive an essential text or call by turning off your phone ringtone without annoying anyone else in the office. Nobody wants to spend the entire day in a workplace with a phone that won’t stop ringing and dinging.

3. Only take emergency calls.

You’re at work to get things done. Do you think conversing with your best friend on your phone all day is a good idea? Save those phone calls for your lunch break or after work to avoid getting into trouble with your supervisor. Unless it’s an emergency, the call may wait.

It’s a different scenario if you’re a parent and you get a call saying your child is sick and you need to bring them up from school right away.

Almost every supervisor understands the importance of dealing with an emergency. If your lover wants to tell you how much they miss you, make the call after work hours.

Perhaps your loved ones constantly phone you to tell you about everything. If that’s the case, make careful to tell them your working hours and tell them they can only contact during lunch or after the workday is through.

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4. Make your phone calls go to voicemail.

It’s a good idea to set your phone to automatically forward calls to voicemail while you’re at work. You’ll still be able to see who phoned and decide whether it’s urgent enough to answer right away if you handle it this way.

If it’s your roommate calling to tell you that your dog has peed on the rug, you can deal with it when you get home. Even yet, this strategy isn’t great if you’re expecting a critical call or if there’s an emergency. Setting your calls to go to voicemail instantly for non-emergency calls, on the other hand, is an excellent technique to deal with frequent calls.

Using an app to deal with unsolicited calls is the best option. True caller is an excellent software for determining who is phoning you. This is useful for avoiding telemarketers and spam calls.

5. Make Phone Calls in a Confidential Area.

It’s allowed to take or make a phone call during your lunch break, but it’s only appropriate to do so in a private setting. Find a quiet area away from the crowd, especially if you’ll be conversing or laughing loudly.

Some of your coworkers may still be at work and might prefer not to be bothered. Perhaps they’re on their lunch break as well and would prefer not to hear about your weekend plans.

Also, if you’re talking about intimate matters on the phone, make sure your voice isn’t too loud.

6. Limit the amount of texting you do.

Texting is something that we all do these days; it’s unavoidable. We text all day, and while some people use texting to communicate with clients, it’s tough for your supervisor to tell whether it’s personal or work-related.

It all depends on the position you hold when it comes to texting during work hours. Are you someone who constantly texts consumers on their personal phone during the day? If that’s the case, it shouldn’t be a problem.

If you don’t, your manager might presume you’re not doing your work if you’re texting all day.

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7. Don’t Check Your Phone During a Meeting

This is, without a doubt, the most crucial rule of them all. Unless you’re taking notes on your smartphone for business, it’s preferable to keep it in your bag or pocket during a meeting.

When you’re in a meeting, you should give it your full attention. Never use your smartphone to send texts, check social media, play games, or do anything else that isn’t work-related. When you’re present in a meeting, you should let everyone know that you’re there. If you keep your eyes on your phone all the time, it means your mind is on something other than work.

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