How To Add A New Bedroom To My House?


How To Add A New Bedroom To My House?

If the time has come and your family is outgrowing the house you have settled down in, you will have to add an extra bedroom. If you own your current

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If the time has come and your family is outgrowing the house you have settled down in, you will have to add an extra bedroom. If you own your current home, it is much simpler to add a new bedroom to your existing home than to find a new home and sell this one. A lot of people don’t know how to utilise their space to the maximum or know that they can make their home bigger by making a few minor changes. If adding a new bedroom to your house is something that is on your to-do list, here are some of the best ways you can do that.

Do I Need Planning Permission to Make an Extra Bedroom?

First things first, when it comes to tampering with your house structure, here are rules and regulations that you need to follow. If you are transforming your garage or basement into a bedroom, then you will not need any planning and building permissions. But if you are planning on adding new structures to your existing home, you will need building permits as well as planning permissions. The rules and regulations will solely depend on where you are living. So, before doing any work, make sure that you are applying for permits and consulting with professionals to avoid any disasters.

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Divide a Large Room

One of the most popular and cheapest ways you can create an extra bedroom in your house is by dividing the living room. If you have one large space you will be able to divide it with one simple wall or a sliding door and create two rooms. This is amazing for houses that have large living rooms that are not being utilised. If the child is still young and you need a quick solution, adding a curtain to divide the space will do the deed.

Build an Extension Sideways

If there are no rooms that you can split, adding to the house sideways is the way to go. The option of expanding the side of your house will require some money, and time as well as a building permit along with a contractor. Even though this is definitely not the most budget-friendly option out there, it is definitely one of the best solutions.

Build an Extension Upwards

For those who don’t have the space to expand on the side of your home, adding another story is something worth looking into. When it comes to this improvement, it will require your family to leave the house until the construction is done to ensure safety and efficiency. Another way you can add to the house is by lifting up the roof and building just a separate room and putting the roof back on. As this is major construction, it is always best to listen to the professional.

Build a Bedroom Over The Garage

No matter if you have a double or single garage, in most cases the space above it is a really good sport for adding a bedroom. The main advantage of doing this is not only ensuring that the bedroom occupier has privacy is the fact that you won’t be using up any of your garden space or ruining the vibe of your existing house layout. This is one of the most popular home extensions for growing families. As with most add-ons, you will need to have a contractor examine the garage and ensure that it can withstand the weight.

Convert a Room

A lot of houses will have attics, garages and basements that are either empty or filled with random clutter that will never be used. Instead of having a room that is for things to gather dust until you move again, why not utilise that pace and create a bedroom? For instance, a garage turned into a bedroom is perfect for those families that need a room that is wheelchair accessible. When it comes to converting attics, basements or grades you will need to ensure that they are not too cold or too hot as well as that there is as much natural lighting as possible.

Enclose a Porch

For those who love windows and live in a beautiful green area, enclosing a porch and turning it into a bedroom is the perfect option. When you are doing something like this you will need to ensure that you have a way to heat it up or cool it down as it is very exposed. It is a great way to extend the house without having to knock it down or have your home become a construction zone. Enclosed porches are a great investment as later on in life when the spare bedroom is not needed anymore you will be able to have an enclosed space.

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Dormer Add-ons

One of the most popular ways to add another bedroom to your home nowadays is dormers. They are perfect for cute small kids’ rooms, as a kids’ single bed is the perfect bed for them growing up. The only downside to dormer add-ons is that sometimes you will have to remodel the roof so it gets the right angle.


Extra Bedroom?

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of getting permits and having your home turned into a construction zone, but you have a family member that is old enough to have some privacy, think about adding an outdoor shed to the backyard. There are so many ways you can approach this idea. There are premade ones that you can go out and buy, you can have a company custom build you one or you can make your own. It is one of the best ways you can give your teenager a sense of independence while still being able to have them at home.

Sacrifice Your Walk-In Closet

If you have a huge walk-in closet and you are in need of another bedroom, the next local step is to turn that closet into a spare room. This is a great option for families that have young kids as you will be able to have them near you. All you need to do is find a new place for all of your clothes and downsize.

As you can see there are many different ways you can add a new bedroom to your house. When it comes to adding on to your existing house you always need to ensure that doing so is the right thing and that extending the house will be more profitable than moving. But no matter what you are doing always consult with a professional before starting any construction on your own.

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