Author: UMGeeks
Climate change: Why is the 26th World Conference
Climate change: Why is the 26th World Conference in Glasgow being called the 'last' hope of the world? Government representatives from around the worl [...]
How to Stop Your Emails From Tracking You
In today's digital age, emails have become integral to our personal and professional lives. However, most people are unaware that every time they open [...]
Internet’s origins: Who was the Inventor
The Internet's origins have become integral to our daily lives, revolutionizing how we communicate, access information, and conduct business. However, [...]
Forget Impossible, the Fungi Renaissance is Here
Fungi Renaissance: While the Impossible and Beyond burgers are getting all the attention, a far more basic dish is set to lead the next wave of altern [...]
Metavers’ New Concept of Virtual Life for Consumers
Metaverse is a term that can be used as part of a recent effort to bring the concept closer to reality in technology. Mark Zuckerberg and his team are [...]
In the World of Physics, a failed experiment
In physics, a failed experiment signifies the start of a new chapter. The discovery According to scientists, the fundamental particle involved in the [...]
29 of the Best Science Fiction Books Everyone Should Read
Looking for a new book to read? Take a journey into the future with this list of the best science fiction novels ever written. Are you looking for you [...]
The Contraceptive Pill’s Untold Story
Frustrated by a lack of knowledge about birth control, Alice Pelton developed The Lowdown, a contraception review platform and resource maintained by [...]
Artificial Intelligence in the Battle Against Breast Cancer
Artificial Intelligence in the Battle Against Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which has been held every October for the past four decade [...]
Why you can’t have an Apple Car
Apple Car wants the auto industry to build its car but isnisn'tterested in sharing the profits. Here's it 'let out of the stalemate: Apple used to be [...]
Is eToro: An Investment or a Game?
eToro, an Israeli trading website, was the first to pioneer so-called social trading. We meet some of the industry's most powerful influencers. These [...]
How to Construct a Dark Energy Telescope
The universe has been a subject of fascination for humans for centuries. Over time, our understanding of the cosmos has grown, yet it continues to sur [...]