6 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Gym


6 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Gym

Are you having trouble staying motivated to keep to a gym routine? You're not alone; whether you're burned out from a job, fatigued from caring for a

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Are you having trouble staying motivated to keep to a gym routine? You’re not alone; whether you’re burned out from a job, fatigued from caring for a newborn, afraid to start, or just plain lazy, motivation is quickly lost when life gets tough or you don’t work at it on a regular basis.

Every February, how many new year’s resolutions did you fail after promising yourself to stick to an exercise routine? There are a variety of reasons why you can violate your promises to yourself, and you’ll learn 6 techniques to discover the fitness motivation you need to get back on track.

1. Make the connection between exercise and pleasure.

Your subconscious will most likely associate exercise with an unpleasant event when you hear the word. Even more so if you do it on a regular basis. We are hardwired as humans to seek comfort and avoid suffering at all costs.

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As you subject your body to the stress of exercise, you’ll be fast to dismiss it as an unpleasant experience, especially if you don’t make it a habit or have any underlying goals in mind. Fortunately, your mind has the ability to choose what gives you joy, and it all boils down to attaching your objective to a cause and a pleasant sensation.

Most of the time, people begin exercising without understanding the underlying motivation for doing so.  I’d like to lose weight.’ Sure, but why do you want to lose weight in the first place? Perhaps you want to feel wonderful in your own skin, or powerful and healthy. Those emotions are palpable.

All you have to do is establish and maintain a strong underlying good reason for your exercise programme, and your mind will begin to register the great feelings associated with your vision each time you exercise. The more you feel positive sentiments about the goal you want to pursue, the more effects you will see, just like any habit.

Every time you exercise, your mind will conceal the discomfort by focusing on your fitness goal, making exercise a more enjoyable experience. So clearly identify, feel, and think about your ultimate fitness objective, and your mind will inspire you as you programme it to achieve it.

2. Figure Out What You Enjoy

You may believe that exercising is running on a treadmill for 30 minutes to an hour three times a week until you’re drenched in perspiration. Let’s face it, running on a treadmill isn’t exactly the most enthralling of workouts.

Beneficial? Absolutely, but if you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel, I don’t blame you for lacking continual motivation. That’s some people’s cup of tea, and if it’s their cup of tea, terrific! However, if it isn’t yours, there are a plethora of other options available to you.

If you want to discover the fitness motivation to truly start going, it’s critical that you enjoy what you’re doing. It’s possible that your issue is simply a lack of awareness of the various methods your body might exercise.

To begin with, exercise should be enjoyable. If it isn’t, you’re restricting yourself to the wrong type of activity. There are hundreds of different sports and workouts from which to pick. Try a variety of exercise activities until you pick a handful that you enjoy the most.

3. Find a partner who will hold you accountable.

When the only person you have to answer to is yourself, it’s easy to miss or skip an exercise. If you’re cozy in bed and prone to sloth, you’re not likely to wake up at 6 a.m. on a cold rainy day to workout. Why? Because we’ve been conditioned to avoid suffering if we’re not faced with a challenge.

That’s where having an accountability buddy or a personal trainer can help. It’s true that disappointing or displeasing others irritates the vast majority of people.

When you’ve made a commitment to show up and someone is waiting for you, the last thing you want to do is have to apologies for sleeping in. How’s that for motivation to get in shape?

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4. Look for a role model.

Fitness can be difficult to maintain over a long period of time, however many people do it successfully. Looking up to a role model can be your key to fitness inspiration, whether you’re a newbie who is frightened to get started or a regular who is trying to stay consistent.

If you have a goal in life that you really want to attain, chances are it has already been accomplished by someone else. Not always, but the majority of the time. As a result, modelling someone in the fitness industry and checking off all the boxes you want to check can motivate you to keep showing up day after day.

You might find the success formula to keep you motivated and achieve the results you want to see by adopting their successful daily habits and routines and incorporating them straight into your daily schedule.

It’s not often a lack of intention that keeps you from working out, but rather a bad plan and ineffective outcomes. Seeing consistent results and modelling the appropriate person and strategy will almost surely increase your morale and keep you devoted to working out.

5. Improve Your Diet

Yes, you’re constantly told which meals are excellent and which are terrible for you, and why you should experiment with dozens of different diets to feel better. While you do not need to follow a rigid restrictive diet, you should keep track of the items you consume on a daily basis.

If you eat Doritos for snacks and order fast food for dinner on a regular basis, you’re not going to feel wonderful in your own skin on a regular basis. When you don’t feel good in your own skin, your self-esteem and energy levels fall to dangerously low levels. The end outcome will be a decrease in exercise motivation, if not a full loss of motivation.

As a result, including a variety of clean, healthy foods in your diet will assist in signaling the mitochondria in each of your cells to produce more energy. As a result, you’ll be healthier and more energetic. Fitness motivation will become much easier to come by as you feel better and lighter in your body and mind.

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6. Shake it Up

Have you ever noticed how creatures of habit we are?

Setting a routine for yourself may appeal to you because you are at ease with what you already know. That’s because there’s something about uncertainty that makes you feel uneasy.

It’s natural for most people to be afraid of the unknown. In reality, most of your everyday activities follow a predictable pattern, and your exercise routine is probably no exception.

When you become accustomed to a particular activity, your mind quickly memorizes it and activates your autopilot mode every time you exercise. As a result, you’re unlikely to encounter any fresh feelings of excitement or motivation.

And, because emotions govern our lives, we must be exposed to change and uncertainty in order to experience new pleasant emotions. As a result, if you’re bored or unmotivated, it’s most likely due to a lack of variety in your exercise routine.

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