Inventions that could revolutionize the treatment of cancer

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Inventions that could revolutionize the treatment of cancer

Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. Fortunately, progress is being made in its treatment. Every year, doctors from around the worl

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Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. Fortunately, progress is being made in its treatment. Every year, doctors from around the world gather in the US state of Chicago to brief each other on advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Research presented at this year’s meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology raises further hopes for cancer treatment, and according to oncologists or cancer treatment experts, approaches to eliminating certain types of tumors or tumors A change has taken place. Mention some of these discoveries or developments here and what they mean.

1. Breast cancer: a drug that benefits more people

Intravenous drug trastosomab has been used to treat breast cancer for decades. It is an effective drug but only works in patients with a specific gene called HER2 . Now a new compound called deroxtin can increase the effect of trastosomab.

Related: What are the Treatment Options for Breast Cancer?

“We are seeing the advent of a revolutionary medicine,” says Romoldo Brusso, an oncologist at the Siren-Lebanese Hospital in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia. Explaining his point, he said that it is a deceptive attack on the tumor. That is, when it enters the body, it becomes something else, and when it begins its work, it becomes something else.

Trastosomab is a type of monoclonal antibody that binds to receptors on the surface of cancer cells in the case of breast cancer. As a result of this process, the body’s immune system (immune system) is activated and it realizes the risk of cancer and starts fighting against it.

At the same time, deroxacin enters the diseased cells and initiates chemotherapy, destroying the tumor from within. The novelty of this treatment is not only in its method but also in patients whose HER-to-gene is not present in a more advanced form.

This medicine is given every 21 days by intravenous or intravenous injection. The drug is currently in the process of being approved by authorities for use in hospitals. Initially, the drug can be used in patients who have failed other drugs and the cancer is spreading. Oncologist Bruce says that over time, it will be used in the early treatment of cancer.

2. Rectal cancer: an amazing medicine

It is a drug whose results have been astonishing even to doctors, as patients with rectal cancer (cancer of the last part of the colon) who were given the drug during the initial trial recovered completely. The drug is called dosterlemb and is already being used to treat other types of tumors. It stimulates the immune system or the body’s immune system, which in turn attacks the cancerous cells.

During the trial, the drug was given to 12 patients and they were monitored for six months. At the end of the trial, no patient showed any signs of cancer. The benefit was that patients avoided severe treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

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“It was a surprise to the doctors,” said Rachel Reichelman, an oncologist at the AC Camarago Cancer Center in Sao Paulo. Despite this discovery, there are many things to keep in mind. First of all, the monitoring period was only six months, which is short. “The disease may reappear in a few years,” says Reichman.

Second, the drug is effective only in patients with tumor microcytic instability ( MSI-H ). About one percent of rectal cancer cases meet this standard. The new treatment has not yet been approved, but research is ongoing.

3. Colorectal cancer: A test that helps a patient avoid unnecessary chemotherapy

Another invention was presented by a team of researchers from Australia with the aim of minimizing interference in the body of cancer patients. He researched a procedure called ‘liquid biopsy’. This involves locating tumor fragments that break down from the tumor’s DNA into the bloodstream.

Patients with colorectal cancer (cancer of the area where the upper and lower parts of the colon meet) have to undergo surgery in which the affected part of the intestine is cut.

Many patients have to undergo chemotherapy after the operation so that if there are any tumor cells left, they can be removed. This reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease. But this treatment is very severe and can have side effects.

A ‘liquid biopsy’ will help determine if a patient needs chemotherapy. The study looked at 455 volunteers. “This could halve the number of patients in need of chemotherapy, while their survival rate will not be affected, an oncologist at Sao Paulo-based On coclinic Precision Medicine.

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“Liquid biopsy offers a revolutionary possibility,” he said.

4. Pancreatic cancer (pancreatic cancer)

Hope for a successful the treatment of cancer Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Advances over the last 10 years have been limited to chemotherapy treatments. As far as modern and less severe treatments such as immunotherapy or monoclonal antibodies are concerned, no positive results have been reported in such patients.

For the treatment of this type of cancer, tests have been introduced for the first time using the CAR-T cell method. After the cells of the patient’s own immune system are removed, they are modified in the laboratory and the converted cells are re-inserted into the patient’s body so that they can invade the tumor.

“While this is very interesting, it is not something that will be available in our hospitals from tomorrow,” said Paolo Hoff, a professor of clinical oncology at the University of Sao Paulo. “There is still a long way to go, but at least now there is hope that we are on the right track.”

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